Tag Archives: Campus Visit

Visiting A School

6 Mar

Johnson Scholarship Finalists just left the university and we were hit by a storm that shut down admissions for a little. This made me think about the importance of visiting a school and what one should do. I visited many schools and it was all super helpful, but sometimes a little too much. However, there are somethings that you should always try doing when looking into a school. First of all you should try looking into the department you are most interested in. Secondly, you should talk to a student or two, it can even be your tour guide. Third, you should try eating on campus and finally look at the surrounding town. There is plenty more to do, but these are somethings that I would recommend and wish I did at each school. Usually the food is really good!

The Flurries Begin!

25 Jan

It’s another Friday at W&L, and another chance for a snow storm! It’s a brisk 21 degrees and the flurries have started.  Everyone around campus is bundled up and bracing for another round of winter weather.  If you are visiting campus today, be on the lookout for some impromptu snowman building along Canaan Green. Campus sure looks beautiful in the snow, but I for one am ready for warm weather again.  Maybe with registration for Spring Term next week, things will start to heat up!

My Why W&L

16 Dec
My Why W&L

My Why W&L

Ok, so I didn’t choose W&L just because it had coat hooks outside its classrooms, but it actually did play a pretty big role in my decision. During one of my many tours (it took me a long time to accept that my Dad had found the college I wanted to go to) I went through Washington Hall where I saw these coat hooks line the hallway. Immediately I was hit with a feeling of illogical nostalgia and began picturing myself trudging through snow (uphill both ways) to the Colonnade for class in the long gone era of ‘Love Story’-like academia. I imagined stomping my boots and shaking out my coat before pushing open the white double-doors of Washington Hall to enter into a building filled with knowledge, a world where we still wrote our essays by hand and Mark Zuckerberg had not yet been born.

Clearly, the coat hooks struck a chord with me and, oddly enough, and led me to realize what I truly wanted in a University. That idyllic academic experience that was conjured up in my head was alive and well at W&L and played a huge role in my decision to enroll here. In the four years since that fateful tour, I have hung my coat up many times outside a stimulating and fascinating class. While I may not actually go uphill both ways, I know that every time I walk up to The Hill, the coat hooks and the classrooms will always be there.

Blue Sky Bakery

3 Dec

A peak inside of Blue Sky

I am lucky enough to work at one of the local restaurants in Lexington. I work at Blue Sky Bakery, which is a sandwich shop about a block away from campus. The reason I wanted to work there is because I knew I would be seeing familiar faces the whole time! W&L students love Blue Sky sandwiches, salads, and soups so it is always a very popular place for lunch. Not only do they sell sandwiches, they have delicious desserts too! So far I don’t know any secrets that make the students favorites, like the chicken salad and carrot cake, so special but I am sure I will! I would definitely stop by when you are visiting!!

Accepted Students Day

25 Apr

The student body at W&L look forward to Accepted Students Day every year because we love to show off our school and help you gain a genuine understanding and feel for our environment. You will find that W&L is truly like no other university with reasons ranging from the Honor System to attitude of students. The faculty and students have organized a variety of programs that will fill up your three days here. You will also have the opportunity to meet more than 500 of your peers. This will be a great few days and I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I do!